the Y
The word Kindergarten can be loosely translated as meaning “a garden for children” – a place where children learn through play.
During their time at Kindergarten, children discover and develop a wide variety of skills and experiences. Our trained teachers and co-workers provide a stimulating and nurturing environment that encourages and fosters children’s individual development.
They support children to become more aware of the world or which they are a part. Time at kindergarten strengthens a child’s confidence and personal skills and provides an opportunity for all children to develop a strong sense of self.
National Regulations and a National Law Act underpin all our practices. The National Quality Framework, in conjunction with the Victorian Early Years Framework forms the basis for our programs. These tools help children
The early years are critical in laying the foundation for children’s achievement in schooling and into adulthood.
There is now a wide body of evidence showing that children’s education and care affects a child’s health, wellbeing and competence throughout their lives.
Quality learning experiences provide the basis from which literacy, numeracy, learning behaviour and future opportunities can be developed.