At Maldon Preschool we strive to create a warm and inviting environment for children and their families.
Our dedicated teachers offer a safe and nurturing environment in which children can explore their surroundings, engage in stimulating and educational activities, learn more about themselves and enjoy supported interaction with their peers.
We endeavour to extend children’s innate curiosity and enthusiasm for learning by providing stimulating and open-ended activities which foster holistic development of skills and leave children with a confident sense of self. Our teachers observe the children closely to gauge current interests and strengths whilst assessing developmental skills and learning styles. This informs program planning which is guided by both the National and the Victorian Frameworks.
At Maldon Preschool, we foster a culture of respect for ourselves, each-other and the environment. We are committed to sustainable practices such as recycling, composting and growing food. Wherever possible, we use natural materials and equipment in the program. We teach children to engage respectfully with all living things.
We welcome parental involvement through a Parent Advisory Group (PAG), who meet to organise fundraising events/activities to enable the purchase of major items of equipment and ongoing needs of the preschool. We appreciate family assistance with yard maintenance over the year and when possible, welcome parents and volunteers in assisting in the program.
Maintaining strong and active links with the local community is a key focus, with the Preschool participating in the annual Easter Parade, visiting Maldon Primary School, utilising the services of the Atheneum, (local library) and enjoying visits from our friendly police constable, the CFA, local artists and musicians.