Robinvale Preschool is proudly a not for profit service which is managed by the Y. The Centre relies on collaboration between our educators who build professional partnerships and support the developing child. The Centre respects the values of the community and is committed to providing a high quality of care and educational experience.
Robinvale Preschool delivers both three and four year old play based programs. These child centred programs allow children to be confident and competent learners and encourage interaction and collaboration with peers.
Our program meets the developmental outcomes of both the Victorian Early Years Learning and Developmental Framework and Belonging, Being and Becoming; the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia.
Robinvale Preschool has a team of professional educators who dedicate themselves to ensure that the children’s needs, strengths and interests are being met in a manner which allows them to play, explore, laugh, discover, problem solve and most importantly, have fun.
Book a tour
Call us on 4311 1504
to arrange a visit.